Collection: What is Tallow?

Tallow is the byproduct of heating animal fat, in this case beef. Our tallow is rendered just days or weeks before your order is fulfilled, from cows raised sustainably and on pasture and grass-fed 100% of the time. They aren't given antibiotics or any other unnecessary injections, and since your skin is your biggest organ, these details matter (or at least they do to us).

Tallow isn't new to the scene. Our ancestors knew the amazing benefits of this stuff, and so did many others around the world for the last few hundred years. It's been  used for cooking, skincare, leather-care, candles, and the list goes on.

Tallow its 100% fat, mainly monounsaturated fats and saturated fats, and includes many fatty acids that our bodies can only get through food. Tallow also contains vitamins A, D, E, K, and B1. Since these are fat-soluble vitamins, they need a fat in order to be fully absorbed into our body, making tallow a fantastic choice for skincare. These vitamins work harmoniously with our biology to repair UV damaged skin, heal scars, improve cell regeneration, reduce fine lines, and even skin tones. Plus, this dense concentration of fatty acids helps to bring your skin's natural oil profile back into balance, resulting in a hydration like no other. Tallow has the ability to change your skin on a cellular level. 

There isn't anything wrong with using plants for skincare. I definitely chose some plant-derived products for my ingredients. But we aren't plants. Our body (and remember, our skin is our largest organ) will respond to an animal-based skincare choice much differently, and likely better, than it will to a plant product. Using tallow is a synergistic way to use one of the many gifts God gave when He created us. 

Since tallow is an animal product and we won't ever use any preservatives in our products, batches may have slight variations. Sometimes, tallow smells earthy. Other times, it has no odor at all. We render our tallow using a triple purification process to help eliminate any impurities within the fat and also reduce any odor. 

Tallow has a melting point of 95 degrees, so keep that in  mind if you are having your order shipped or plan to store it somewhere on the warmer side. If it does  become liquid, it will solidify again, just put it in the fridge for an hour or so and you're all set.



Tallow is known for its deep hydration, rich mineral and nutrition, and ability to repair skin. It provides the body with antioxidants to help reduce oxidative stress and acts as an anti-inflammatory.